Pushing Poses and Other Thoughts

  • Crazy, foreshorted poses sometimes help get me out of a rut. Take a character and push them to the extreme. It’s super easy to fall into the same old thing after a while. Mixing up approaches and tools will keep it interesting for you, even if the approach isn’t the most time saving. In the long haul you’ll make better stuff if you’re having fun.

  • The month of January has slipped by. I am resolved to doing little bits on projects at a time. I know this works really well in the long run for finishing things. But sometimes it’s easy to fall into thinking that just because I can only do a small thing at a given time, that it’s not really important. But do this 30 times and you’ve missed a lot of progress.

  • I was doing a little character design work for someone and they had a character that was described as having six fingers. It occurred to me that purposefully designing a character like that is going to invite accusations of using AI.

  • Speaking of AI, the only thing I personally use it for it a quick visual joke. I’d never use it for anything I was doing in my capacity as an artist.


Superion and Snake Eyes Marker Drawings